Bringing product innovation to a national broadcaster.
Channel 4
Design Lead
6 months
London, UK
All4 is a video-on-demand platform of UK broadcaster Channel 4, providing access to a wide range of programming via web, mobile, and other devices.
Channel 4 recognised that in the extraordinarily competitive video streaming business they would need to continually invest in bringing innovative new capabilities to their platform.
The agency I was working for had pitched Channel 4 on a strategy where their product staff would spend 5-10% of their time working on developing and testing new concepts. The outcome of this would be to have a pipeline of promising solutions that could be fed into their product development cycle.
It was my responsibility to guide staff at Channel 4 through a process for innovation. To own the planning, execution of a series of innovation sprints: Week long periods of collaborative work where I would guide participants through the process of defining a challenge, picking a target, creating novel solutions, building prototypes, and testing assumptions with viewers.
Helping investors generate alpha from crypto asset markets.
Digital and mobile banking service.
By Andy.