A short vision project to seed work on a responsive travel insurance proposition.
Barclays, working with Aviva, were starting a ground-up rethinking of their travel insurance sales UX. To support this I worked with project stakeholders for a few days to help develop a vision of what a good customer journey could look like.
Given the short length of the engagement I chose to go straight into HTML prototyping. First blocking out the necessary content and functional sections of the journey then working through the detail piece-by-piece with the proposition manager and SMEs.
Referencing the data requirements for the underwriting systems I blocked out a basic journey. Here the goal is to answer the question “What content or function do I need at this stage in the journey, and of these what is the hierarchy of importance between them?”
High-level details start to appear here in the second iteration. Most of this detail came from a short meeting where within the team we discussed what detail each section would need and why.
By the third iteration the prototype journey I had optimised the journey by remove two steps that were in the first iteration, added some interaction that toned-down secondary content, and clarified a lot of the detail regarding content and data requirements. All this with CSS breakpoints for phone, tablet, and desktop displays.
Helping investors generate alpha from crypto asset markets.
Digital and mobile banking service.
By Andy.